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更新日期:2017-5-4 11:50:46    来源:www.tannet-group.com浏览次数:2517次

Notes Collecting Introduction

In order to increase our work efficiency and offer of quality services, please accord to following to supply the information:

1、 章程正本2份、周年申报表、商证、首任秘书及董事通知书D1复印件或NC1表格各一份
Two original copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association, and one photo copy of Annual Return (AR 1), Business Registration, and Notification of first Secretary and Director (D1) or NC1 Form;

2、 所有公司变更资料(若有)
All the change’s information of company, (if any);

3、 银行单据:Bank Records and Statements
Monthly Bank Statements
All the bank’s transaction advices, pay-in slips and cheques stub;

4、购销部分:Purchases and Sales
4.1.销售部分: 本公司出立的所有销售发票(invoice)
Sales: all the sales invoices issued by company
4.2.采购部分: 所有开立给本公司的购货发票(invoice)
Purchases: all the purchase invoices issued by suppliers;

The receipts and vouchers of office expense, telephone and transport fee, courier and postage fee, trips fee, fare and travelling expenses, entertainment expenses, advertising expenses, etc.
5.2.工资费用: 香港的税种之一为薪俸税,即员工的个人所得税,目前是年薪不超12万港币时免交个人所得税
Salaries and Wages: Salary tax is one of the taxation in Hong Kong, Present amount of exemption (allowance) from salary tax is HK$120,000.00
5.3.租金: 如房租费、租车费等,须提供租赁合同或协议、收据或发票
Rental: Rental for office and factory, vehicle renting expenses, etc. the copies of tenancy agreements, rental receipts or debit notes must be supplied.

Fixed Assets: Provide the original copies of invoices for buying the office equipments / fittings, motor vehicles and property, etc.

7、 所有帐务相关的其他单据
Other concerning invoices or debit notes

8、 做帐次年度的头1~2个月月结单及3~5笔购销发票
Provide initial two months bank statements of the following fiscal year and receipts and payments of 3 to 5 subsequent settlements for carried forward outstanding of sales and purchases. 

9、 所有提供的单据注意与做帐期间相符
The date of all invoices, debit notes, vouchers and supporting documents must be within the fiscal year.

10、 关于做帐、报税有任何疑问可致电财务规划部:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask us


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